BALO PAVLO,   Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer in the Department of Tractors, Agricultural Machines and Transportation Technologies.

Research IDW-2082-2018


Scopus ID


Goggle Scholar

Born September 22, 1965 in Myropillya, Sumy region.

From 1973 to 1983  attended school.

1986 -entered the Sumy Branch of Kharkiv Agricultural Institute.

1992 - graduated from the Sumy Agricultural Institute.

From 1989 to 2000 worked as a master of production training at the department "Tractors and agricultural machines"

Since 2000 I have been working at the department of tractors and agricultural machines as an assistant, and since 2002 as a senior lecturer.

The main disciplines are "Traffic rules", "Vehicle safety", "Fundamentals of vehicle safety and road accident expertise", "Driver training".

Grant, state budget and contracting topics:

DGT “Research of resource-saving technologies of forming functional coatings of working surfaces of machine parts” (2019-2021).

Improvement of qualification (internship): “School - seminar of pedagogical skills” (SNAU 04.04.2016 - 13.05.2016., Sumy).