On November 9, the Open Door Day was held at our Engineering and Technology Faculty for parents of future engineers of all specialties: agro-engineering, energy and electrotechnical systems, transport technologies.
The high turnout of parents also testified to the great interest in starting the educational process of their children. Although freshmen are already adults, the word of seniors is necessary to choose the right course in the process of obtaining a professional qualification. Parents and mothers were thoroughly acquainted with the elegant ITF building, training classrooms and laboratories full of the latest equipment.
Representatives of the dean’s office reported on the schedules and features of the educational process, the system of assessment of students’ knowledge and the possible difficulties in adapting to new learning conditions. Conversation with leading teachers of general disciplines was fruitful. Representatives from the older generation received answers and clarifications on household issues, leisure and opportunities for overseas practices.
In our opinion, such meetings contribute to the formation of the student team and is one of the stages of career guidance.