Die deutschen Kollegen im Ingenieur-technischen  Faculty of SNAU  (German colleagues at the SNAU Engineering and Technology Faculty)

Die deutschen Kollegen im Ingenieur-technischen

Faculty of SNAU

(German colleagues at the SNAU Engineering and Technology Faculty)

Development of cooperation of SNAU with the University of Applied Sciences Weienshtefan – Tridzorf (Germany) during the last visit of the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Associate Professor Dovzhik M.Ya. contact with the School of Engineering was established.

On December 4, 2017, a delegation of German colleagues led by the Director of the Agricultural Mechanization School of Agricultural Mechanization, Norbert Bleishtaniger, visited the SNAU.

With great interest and professional interest the guests got acquainted with the center of precision agriculture established at ITF. Leading teachers of our faculty and other departments of the university told about the work and further plans for the development of the center.

According to Norbert Bleyshtaniger, the supply of theoretical and practical laboratories for precision SNAU agriculture is at a high level and in some ways better than at their school.

As a result of the visit, the ways of further development of cooperation of educational institutions and the passing of the practice of our students in the agricultural school Tridzdorf were outlined.