Specialty 141 “Electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics”
Brief description of the specialty:

Efficient operation of any modern enterprise is impossible without the use of power plants and systems, power and heat supply networks, automation and alternative energy sources

Energy specialists are ready to work in various industries and farms of Ukraine and are able to solve specialized problems and practical problems of power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics, which involves the application of theories and methods of physics and engineering and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty.

The educational process of training a specialist in energy and electrical activities includes:

Theoretical training of the subject area: basic concepts of the theory of electric and electromagnetic circuits, modeling, optimization and analysis of modes of operation of power plants, networks and systems, electric machines, electric drives, electrotechnical and electromechanical systems and complexes using traditional and renewable energy sources.

Practical training includes the study of analytical methods for calculating electrical circuits, power supply systems, electrical machines and apparatus, control systems for electrical and electromechanical systems, electrical loads using specialized laboratory equipment, test benches and personal computers.

Graduates of specialty 141 must be able to:

to design, construct electrical parts of industrial equipment and various installations, power supply systems of settlements, industrial enterprises and so on, to design electrical machines and devices;

to develop technological processes of power supply;

provide installation, adjustment, testing and maintenance of electrical equipment;

to plan repair of the electric equipment, to make technical tasks for reconstruction of the operated and development of the new electric equipment;

calculate the economic efficiency of the implemented technological and design solutions.

Areas of professional activity of a specialist from

“Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics”

Production manager

– Engineer, head of department, chief engineer, deputy director, director of energy companies, energy sales, distribution networks, electrical repair companies, electrical organizations, energy auditor, teacher of energy audit courses.
– Engineer, chief engineer, head of department, deputy director, director of production and commercial energy service companies.

Engineering and technological worker

– Dispatcher of operational and dispatching service of main electric networks.
– Power engineer of production.
– Energy dispatcher.
– Electrical engineer in the energy sector.

Control in the energy sector

– State Inspector of the State Inspectorate for Operation of Power Plants and Networks.
– State Inspector of the Energy Supervision Inspectorate.
– Distributor, dealer, manager of electrical companies.
– State Inspector for Energy Supervision.

Activities for the application of economical and energy-saving technologies

– Energy engineer, head of energy management of the enterprise.

– Expert consultant on energy saving and energy efficiency.
– Manager of the company for the organization of efficient use of energy.
– Head, engineer of the energy saving department in local authorities.
– Director of the company for the provision of energy management and audit services.

Scientific and educational sphere

– Teacher of special disciplines in technical schools, colleges and schools.
– Postgraduate student, assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor of energy specialties in universities.
In research organizations and design bureaus
– Engineer, design engineer, senior engineer, chief engineer, chief specialist, chief designer for the design of power supply systems.
– Head of the department, sector, laboratory for design and research of power supply and lighting systems.
– Junior researcher, senior researcher.