Features of plant nutrition for the use of biological products of the Azoter series

After the introduction of the Azoter biological product in the spring into the soil (before sowing or with it), its greatest effectiveness in nitrogen accumulation and phosphobilization is manifested after 1.5-2 months. This time is necessary for microorganisms to form colonies and spread over the soil horizon, as well as to establish the optimum soil temperature at + 20- + 30 ° С.That is, the highest efficiency of the activity of microorganisms has been observed since mid-June. But the formation of a future crop of crops, including corn, begins earlier (see Figure), and with insufficient nitrogen nutrition, plants will form a low yield.

Genetic characteristics of corn allow you to get a crop at the level of 140 c / ha. However, due to insufficient nutrition in the initial phases of development, forks of 12 rows * 30 grains in a row are formed, which ensures a yield of 80 kg / ha, and in the absence of nitrogen nutrition in the future, the size of ears is only 12 rows * 20 grains in a row and the crop is 50 c / ha. To avoid this situation and maximize the genetic potential of corn, the recommended nitrogen nutrition scheme is as follows.







Figure 1. Recommended corn nutrition scheme for the use of the Azoter biological product
Option 1: 200-250 kg of urea (N92-115) together or before sowing (adequate nutrition)

Option 2: in the presence of financial opportunities for the application of nitrogen fertilizers can be divided into two stages,

1) 200 kg of urea (N92) together or before sowing;

2) 100 kg (N46) or 100 kg of nitrate (N34) in the phase of 4-6 leaves.

As can be seen from the schedule of action of the biological product “Azoter”, the maximum level of nitrogen fixation and phosphobilization is observed since June, that is, during the execution of the fork and the formation of protein during maturation, the plants will be constantly provided with nutrients.






Figure 2. Recommended sunflower nutrition scheme for the use of the Azoter biological product

This scheme of the main sunflower nutrition is focused on achieving a yield of 40-50 kg / ha with minimal capital investment, in our opinion it is the most appropriate.