Teaching work

The Department of Occupational Safety and Physics was founded in 2017 on the basis of the departments of Physics and Occupational Health and Safety. The department staff are highly qualified, experienced teachers who implement modern technology in the educational process; they contribute to the quality training of future specialists.


Methodological tasks of the department are:


Courses are taught in the department:


The department has:

The Training and methodical office of Occupational Health and Safety and the Physics training laboratory function to support the training and methodical work of teachers.


In recent years, the thematic poster base has been updated. Training and methodical office of Occupational Health and Safety has about 11 new posters that are fully consistent with the following sections of the course “Occupational Health and Safety”: “Organization of training on Occupational Health and Safety issues”, “Occupational Health and Safety management system”, “Industrial sanitation”, “ Electrical Safety ”,“ Fire Safety ”,“ Personal Protective Equipment ”,“ First Aid for Victims of Accidents ”.

The physics training laboratory is equipped with the necessary laboratory equipment for conducting laboratory and practical classes in the courses “Physics”, “Biophysics” and “Physics with the basics of plant biophysics.”

Teachers of the department and pedagogical staff have developed a set of educational and methodological support for the courses for the quality of the educational process.

To ensure the quality of the educational process, the whole range of educational and methodological support for the disciplines at the department was developed.