Email: semirnenkosv@gmail.comORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9304-3637
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=new_profile&hl=en
Born October 22, 1968 in Sumy, Ukraine.
In 1988 she graduated with honors from Sumy Engineering College.
1988-1993 - work as an engineer of the All-Union Research and Design Institute of Compressor Mechanical Engineering.
1993-2005 - worked at the Sumy Agricultural Institute (Sumy State Agrarian University) as an engineer, teacher, head laboratory of the engineering and computing center of the Faculty of Agriculture Mechanization.
In 1997 she received a master's qualification in the specialty "Mechanization of Agriculture" from Sumy Agricultural Institute.
In 2004 she was awarded the qualification of economist-accountant, graduated from the faculty of accounting and finance of Sumy National University.
2005–2006 - worked as the head of the licensing and accreditation department of the Sumy Branch of the Open International University for Human Development “Ukraine” (Sumy Humanitarian Institute).
Since 2006 she worked at Sumy National Agrarian University at the Department of Engineering Systems Design with Assistant, Senior Lecturer.
In 2014, she defended her dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty "Ecological safety" on the topic "Reduction of technogenic load on the environment by improving the technology of biomass utilization".
Since 2014 I have been working as an associate professor at the department of engineering systems design.
The main subjects are: Theory of Mechanisms and Machines, Engineering Mechanics.
Field of research: Reduction of anthropogenic load on the environment due to the improvement of technologies of utilization of vegetable wastes of agroindustrial complex.
Grant, state budget and government contracting topics: DBT “Improvement of technology of utilization of commercial sunflower waste with the aim of reducing technogenic load on the environment” (2016–2019, state register of research and development in UkrINTEI 0116U00381).
Upgrading: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine NDI Postgraduate Education (02.06.2015-12.06.2015).