RIBRII ALLA, Senior Lecturer
Email: rebrii@ukr.net
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3467-2353
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=L-7baoYAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1
Born in 1966 in Poltava, Ukraine
1983-1988 - training at the Poltava Engineering and Construction Institute, specialty civil engineer.
1988-1990 - worked as an engineer at the Poltava Engineering and Construction Institute at the Department of Agricultural Architecture.
1991 - worked as an assistant at the Department of Construction Structures of Sumy Agricultural Institute.
In 1999 she entered the postgraduate course of Sumy National Agrarian University. She worked on a dissertation on the topic: "Tensely-deformed state of the spatial coating in the form of a tractrisoid of rotation".
Since 2000 - I have been a senior lecturer at the Department of Engineering Systems Design.
Basic courses: Engineering Graphics, Engineering and Computer Graphics, Descriptive Geometry.
Field of research: Improvement of the methodology of teaching graphic subjects for students of technical specialties of agrarian institutions of higher education.
Grant, state budget and contracting topics:
SBT “Improvement of technology of utilization of commercial sunflower waste with the aim of reducing man-made load on the environment” (2016-2019, state registration number of R&D in UKRINTEI 0116U003581)
Advanced training (internship): National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine NDI Postgraduate Education (02.06.2015-12.06.2015)