Associate Professor of Higher Mathematics
Candidate of Physical Matter Sciences, Associate Professor
E-mail: Vladzaoch@ukr.net
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5875-8517
Scopus ID: 57195836869
Web of Science ID: Х -2668-2018
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?hl=ru&user=WQYV5nYAAAAJ
Born on April 12, 1976, Vasilkovka, Dnipropetrovskaya Region of Ukraine.
In 1998 he graduated from the Sumy State Pedagogical Institute named after A.S. Makarenka., specialty "Mathematics and Physics."
1998 to 2001 Postgraduate studies at the Department of Mathematical Physics of Sumy State University.
Since 2001 to 2007 Worked at the Department of Higher Mathematics of Sumy National Agrarian University as a senior teacher.
In 2008 defended the dissertation for a degree of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences in the specialty 01.01.01 - the mathematical analysis on a subject: "General concepts of subharmonic functions".
Since 2008 I have been working at the Department of Higher Mathematics of Sumsky National Agrarian University as an assistant professor.
In 2011 he was awarded the scientific title of associate professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics.
Main disciplines: "Higher Mathematics," Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. "Field of research: Ensuring the operational properties of the machine parts working surfaces by environmentally friendly and energy-efficient technologies. Development of resource-saving technologies for the production and renovation of industrial equipment, and advanced technologies for its reengineering.
Grant, state budget and contract subjects:
GBT: 0118U100099 “Research on resource-saving technologies for the formation of functional coatings on the machine parts working surfaces”, (2019-2021 Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).
Contractual Subjects:
12/6 “Development of resource-saving technologies for the energy equipment reengineering”, (2014 - 2015, RPE Elektromash);
21-9 “Improving the quality of repair of gas turbine units by the direction selection of resource-saving and energy-efficient technologies for mechanical assembly production”, (2015 - 2017, RPE Elektromash);
Further training (internship):
Sumy State University of Ukraine,
Topic: The introduction of modern latest teaching technologies in teaching the discipline " The higher mathematics ", 21.12.2016 – 21.01.2017, Ukraine