MIKULINA MARINA, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Email: maryna.mikulina@snau.edu.ua
ScopusID: 57215001313
ResearchrID: W-6817-2018
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6918-5192
Google Scholar - https://scholar.google.com/
CV - Mikulina
Born on January 7, 1978 in Dresden. Germany.
1993-1996 - training in Sumy Commercial College, specialty "Accounting and Auditing".
1996-2001 - studying at the Faculty of Economics of Sumy State Agrarian University, specialty "Accounting and Audit", diploma with honors.
2001-2004 - postgraduate studies at Sumy National Agrarian University, specialty "Economics".
Since 2004, she has worked as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor of finance and technology operation.
2008 - defended her thesis for the candidate of science degree in specialty 08.00.08 - finance, banking and insurance on the topic "Financial Security of Agricultural Formations Development".
2016-2018 - training at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of Sumy National Agrarian University, specialty "Agroengineering".
Basic subjects: geoinformation systems, cargo science, research of operations in transport systems, modeling of transport processes, information systems and technologies.
R&D department topic: "Information support of technologies and substantiation of technical means for mechanized technological processes in agro-industrial production". (State registry number: 0115U001338 Ukr INTERI).
Field of research:
Research on the rational use of road transport using information systems and technologies.
Advanced Training (Internship): Sumy Branch of the Management Board of the Executive Directorate of the FSS of Ukraine in the Sumy Oblast (Sumy from 02.01.2018-30.01.2018).
LLC "KRASNOKOLYADINSKE", p. Krasny Kolyadyn, Chernihiv region, internship period 01.08 - 01.09. 2022 (Order No. 835/VK/tr dated July 21, 2022). TOPIC: Improving professional training in the specialty 208 "Agroengineering" by deepening and expanding professional knowledge, abilities and skills regarding the rational organization of management and conducting agricultural production on the basis of economic efficiency, obtaining professional competences and acquiring scientific and professional experience in the conditions of modern production agro-industrial enterprises and formations".