Senior Lecturer at the Department of Occupational Safety and Physics
Email Semernya.olena@gmail.com
Web ID of Science W-1068-2018
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0201-1294
Scholar.google https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=nmxMK_EAAAAJ
1979-1981 studied at the Sumy technical school of Soviet trade in the specialty "Organization of trade in food products"
1981-1986 studied at the Kharkov Institute of Public Catering in the specialty "Commodity and organization of trade in food products and received the qualification" Merchant of higher qualification "
2004-2005 studied at the SNAU in the specialty "Administrative Management" and received the qualification of Master in Administrative Management
Core subjects: BJD and the basics of occupational safety, Occupational health and civil protection
Areas of research: Monitoring of production risks, conditions and culture of safety at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine and the enterprises of the EU countries
Advanced Training (Internship): Main State Educational and Methodological Center of the State Labor Department, has passed training under the program for teachers of labor protection of higher educational establishments (03/04/2017 - 07/04/2017)
Other information: Deputy Dean for Career Orientation