ANATOLY PAVLUCHENKO, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician
Professor of the Department of Occupational Safety and Physics
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.
Email: apavluchenko22@gmail.com
Research ID W-2705-2018
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0827-2847
Scopus ID 6603621576
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?hl=uk&view_op=list_works&authuser=2&gmla=AJsN-F79XMQP8QyfT3CV84HTke1fukOZOSFUlOLnxCv_Rsn-WLoki6CDm3QpKb2yAUWvXwv7chBbEs6VbzdhHiwfv9CFg_50ZsgIERovXvyJYkNxzZJgbWEJcYLdJidg_FpOvML962ON&user=UHMQdHIAAAAJ
Born February 16, 1938.
Having graduated in 1962, the Moscow Energy Institute, "Boiler construction", qualification as a mechanical engineer.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, 05.14.05., DT № 000573 Specialty "Theoretical Foundations of Thermal Engineering", Professor of the Department of Physics; Department of Physics of NAU (Russia); PR No. 003846 “Heat and mass transfer in extreme conditions of surface flow; 1989, Professor of the Department of Physics; academician.
Courses: Physics
Field of research: Alternative energy, aerodynamics
Advanced Training (Internship): Institute of Applied Physics, NASU
(Sumy city). Topic: "The study of new experimental methods of nanotechnology research", November 2017