Methodical work
Borosenent NS Mathematical statistics. Methodical instructions for performing independent work for students of engineering-technological and agronomic specialties of full-time education. – Sums: SNAU, 2011.
Razumenko AM, Golovchenko GS Higher Mathematics. Methodical instructions for performing control work and independent work of students on the topic “Elements of Field Theory” 2011
Razumenko AM, Golovchenko GS Higher Mathematics. Methodical instructions for performing control work and independent work of students on the topic “Systems of differential equations” 2012
Methodical instructions “Differential calculus of the function of many variables”. Compilers: NS Borozenets, MY Geenko, VI Pugach 2012
Batalova AB, Nekyslich KM Methodical developments “Mathematics for foreign students of preparatory department. H 1. ». 2013
Razumenko AM, Golovchenko GS Higher Mathematics. Methodical instructions for practical classes and independent work of students on the topic “Multiple, curvilinear and superficial integrals”. 2013
Borosenets NS Development of methodological guidelines for students of engineering and technological specialties on the topic “Integral calculus of function of one variable”
Higher mathematics. Methodical instructions for students of agronomic specialties. Compiled by: Geenko M.Yu., Pugach VI 2013
Razumenko AM, Golovchenko GS Methodical instructions for practical classes and independent work of students on the topic “Differential equations. Systems of differential equations “for students of the field of preparation 6.100102” Processes, machines and equipment of agro-industrial production “and 6.100101” Power engineering and electrotechnical systems in agro-industrial complex “full-time and part-time education. 2013
Golovchenko GS Methodical instructions on the topic “Differential equations, Systems of differential equations” Lectures. For students of the preparation direction 6.100102 “Processes, machines and equipment of agro-industrial production” and 6.100101 “Power engineering and electrotechnical systems in the agro-industrial complex” full-time and correspondence forms of study. 2013
Batalova A.B. Methodical instructions in the discipline “Applied mathematics” on the topic “Numerical methods” for students of the field of preparation 6.100102 “Processes, machines and equipment of agro-industrial production” and 6.100101 “Power engineering and electrotechnical systems in the agro-industrial complex” full-time and part-time education.
Borosenets NS Mathematics. Part 2. Equations and inequalities. Methodological manual for foreign students of preparatory department. – Sums: SNAU, 2014.
Kisikh KM, Geenko M.Yu., Pugach VI Guidelines for accelerating the repetition of some sections of the school mathematics course. 2014.
Kislyk KM, Pugach VI Workshop on conducting practical classes for students of the 1st year of the specialty “Geodesy, Cartography and Land Management”. 2014
Razumenko AM, Golovchenko GS Guidelines for the discipline “Higher Mathematics” on the topic “Rows. Fourier Series “for students in the preparation field 6.100102” Processes, Machines and Equipment of Agroindustrial Production “and 6.100101” Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering Systems in the Agroindustrial Complex “. 2014
Golovchenko GS Guidelines for the discipline “Higher Mathematics” on the topic “Rows. Fourier Series. ” Lectures. for students of the field of preparation 6.100102 “Processes, machines and equipment of agro-industrial production” and 6.100101 “Power engineering and electrotechnical systems in the agro-industrial complex” full-time education. 2014
Batalova A.B. Guidelines for the discipline “Applied Mathematics” on the topic “Linear Programming” for students of the field of preparation 6.100102 “Processes, machines and equipment of agro-industrial production” and 6.100101 “Power engineering and electrotechnical systems in the agro-industrial complex” full-time and part-time education in Russian
Borozenets NS Higher Mathematics. Integral calculus of a function of one variable. Workshop for students of 1 year of engineering-technological specialties of full-time and correspondence forms of study / Sums: SNAU, 2015
Non-acidic KM Tutorial “Higher Mathematics. Part 1: Elements of Linear and Vector Algebra. Analytical geometry. »For students of 1 year full-time and correspondence forms of study. 2015
Pugach VI, Golovchenko GS Methodical instructions for conducting practical classes for students of the 2nd year of the specialty “Surveying, Cartography and Land Management”. 2015
Razumenko AM, Golovchenko GS Methodical instructions in the discipline “Higher Mathematics” on the topic “Elements of Field Theory” for students of the field of preparation 6.100102 “Processes, Machines and Equipment of Agroindustrial Production” and 6.100101 “Power Engineering and Electrotechnical Systems in Agroindustrial Complex »Full-time education. 2016
Gerasimenko V.O. Guidelines “Higher Mathematics. Differential and integral calculus of the function of many variables. on conducting laboratory-practical classes for students of the 1st year of all specialties of full-time and correspondence form of study. ” 2016
Pugach VI Methodical instructions for conducting laboratory and practical classes for students of the 1st year